Drew Cheskin: A Hardworking Student


Being a student in today's world is not easy. A student has to work equally hard towards achieving their goals and helping their community as well. They have to make sure to give their best in all aspects of their life so that they can emerge as a successful person after their studies. But, this is not as easy as it sounds. It takes a lot of determination and dedication to stay focused for such a long time.

One such student who has been trying to focus throughout his college time is Drew Cheskin. He has tried to contribute something towards his community at the same time. If you are curious to know about the things that he has done then keep on reading.

Written movie blogs: Drew Cheskin Miami has been writing blogs about different classic movies on his website. He always reviews movies from a different perspective and tries to bring that perspective to movie lovers. His blogs are interesting to read because he has also been studying this field..

Worked as a dog walker: Drew Cheskin has always been extremely considerate and kind towards animals. He understands that the voiceless also need comfort and love from people. Therefore, he has worked as a dog walker and has played with and comforted shelter dogs. He has also worked towards finding owners for these dogs.

Organized blood drive: During the spring of 2021, Drew Cheskin organized a blood drive on his campus for two weeks. This was done to collect blood for Covid patients.

Took notes for specially-abled students: In the Spring of 2021, he took class notes for specially-abled students so that they could use them during their studies.

Drew Cheskin University of Miami is a student at the University of Miami who has been trying to succeed at his studies through commitment and perseverance. He understands that there are no substitutes for hard work.

For more information, visit https://www.drewcheskin.com/


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