Drew Cheskin: Balancing Studies and Extra-Curricula Experiences
are taught early that studying and hard work has no substitute, and
without hard work, one cannot be successful. Yes! Education is important
but to have a balanced life having experience in addition to studying
also is important.
Are you wondering what kind of experience? If yes, then maybe reading the resume of Drew Cheskin
can provide a little help as a sample. He is a typical student of the
University of Miami pursuing a B.S. in communication in Motion Pictures
Drew Cheskin has always been fond of various
activities in addition to studying, be it collecting comic books or
doing his part for society. If you have passion and dedication you will
not find the extra-curricular activities rewarding and fun. For example,
Drew Cheskin
along with the help of the University of Miami Police Department
sergeant organized a two-week blood donation drive. This drive was done
during the pandemic to help Covid patients, a child suffering from
cancer, and others.
Drew Cheskin also he has worked as a busser
in a restaurant, camp counselor, dog walker, and more. He was also a
note-taker for the UM office of Disability Services. He also has also
learned various skills like Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Word,
Photoshop, Adobe Premiere, and much more.
Taking part in various activities has helped Drew Cheskin
in learning from real-life experiences. As they say, nothing teaches
more than experiencing something yourself. These experiences have helped
learn the importance of doing things to help others, the importance of
learning various educational skills, the importance of empathy &
sympathy, the importance of work management, the importance of time
management, and so much more.
There is so much to learn from
participating in various activities in life. You can also try to create a
balance between studies and participating in external activities.

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